Extinctions in the 21st century (2000 - Present) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Pipistrellus murrayi | Christmas Island Pipistrelle | 27 August 2009 | Lumsden et al. (2009) |
Psephurus gladius | Chinese Paddlefish | 8 January 2007 | Gao et al. (2009) |
Lipotes vexillifer | Yangtze River Dolphin | pre-2006 (19 August 2007?)4 | Turvey (2009), Turvey (2008), WWF (2007) |
Melamprosops phaeosoma | Po'o-uli | 28 November 2004 | Tyrberg (2009), BirdLife International (2010b) |
Partula labrusca | Vine Raiatea Tree Snail | 2002 | Coote (2007) |
Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica | Pyrenean Ibex | 6 January 2000 (&January 2009)5 | Caprinae Specialist Group (2000) |
Extinctions in the 20th century (1900 - 1999) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Hemignathus lucidus | Nukupuu | 1998 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Diceros bicornis longipes | Western Black Rhinoceros | 1997 (pre-2006?)6 | Emslie & Brooks (1999) |
Rhachistia aldabrae | Aldabra Banded Snail | 1997 | Gerlach (2006), Gerlach (2007) |
Panthera pardus adersi | Zanzibar Leopard | 1996 | Goldman & Walsh (2002) |
Partula turgida | Swollen Raiatea Tree Snail | 1 January 1996 | Cunningham & Daszak (1998) |
Incilius periglenes | Golden Toad | 1989 | Pounds et al. (2008) |
Podilymbus gigas | Atitlan Grebe | 1986 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Tachybaptus rufolavatus | Alaotra Grebe | September 1985 | Tyrberg (2009), BirdLife International (2010c) |
Rheobatrachus vitellinus | Eungella Gastric-brooding Frog | March 1985 | Hero et al. (2004), McDonald (1990) |
Moho braccatus | Kaua'i 'O'o | 1985 (1987?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Crocidura trichura | Christmas Island Shrew | 1985 (1998?) | Lumsden & Schulz (2008) |
Pomarea mira | Ua Pou Monarch | 1985 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gambusia amistadensis | Amistad Gambusia | 1984 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Rheobatrachus silus | Conondale Gastric-brooding Frog | November 1983 | Tyler & Davies (1985) |
Gambusia georgei | San Marcos Gambusia | 1983 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Myadestes myadestinus | Kama'o | 1983 (1989?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Myiagra freycinet | Guam Flycatcher | 1983 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nesillas aldabrana | Aldabra Warbler | 1983 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Azurina eupalama | Galapagos Damselfish | 1982 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Rhinichthys cataractae smithi | Banff Longnose Dace | September 1981 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Anas oustaleti | Marianas Mallard | 1981 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Taudactylus diurnus | Southern Day Frog | 1979 | Czechura & Ingram (1990) |
Eurychelidon serintarea | White-eyed River Martin | 1978 (1986?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Mesocapromys minimus | Little Earth Hutia | 1978 | Turvey (2009) |
Podiceps andinus | Colombian Grebe | 1977 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pomarea fluxa | Eiao Monarch | 1977 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Panthera tigris sondaica | Javan Tiger | 1976 | Nowell & Jackson (1996), Seidensticker (1986) |
Hippopotamus laloumena | Lesser Madagascan Hippopotamus | 1976? | Turvey (2009) |
Hippopotamus lemerlei | Madagascan Dwarf Hippopotamus | 1976? | Turvey (2009) |
Hippopotamus madagascariensis | Madagascan Pygmy Hippopotamus | 1976? | Turvey (2009) |
Coregonus alpenae | Longjaw Cisco | 12 June 1975 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Bolyeria multocarinata | Round Island Burrowing Boa | 1975 | Day (1981), Bauer & Günther (2004) |
Notropis orca | Phantom Shiner | 1975 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Pteropus tokudae | Guam Flying Fox | 1974? | Turvey (2009) |
Hypolimnus pedderensis | Lake Pedder Earthworm | 1972 | Blakenmore (2003) |
Xenicus longipes | Bush Wren | 1972 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Cyprinodon arcuatus | Santa Cruz Pupfish | 1971 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Pieris brassicae wollastoni | Madeiran Large White | 1970s (1980s?) | Van Swaay et al. (2009) |
Panthera tigris virgata | Caspian Tiger | February 1970 (2001?)7 | Can (2004), Driscoll et al. (2009) |
Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae | Tecopa Pupfish | 2 February 1970 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Pogonichthys ciscoides | Clear Lake Splittail | 1970 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Sander vitreus glaucus | Blue Pike | 1970 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Coregonus nigripinnis | Blackfin Cisco | 26 November 1969 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Notropis amecae | Ameca Shiner | 21 April 1969 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Hemignathus ellisianus | Greater Akialoa | 1969 | Tyrberg (2009), BirdLife International (2010a) |
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa | Tubercled-blossom Pearly Mussel | 1969 | USFWS (2010) |
Callaeas cinerea cinerea | South Island Kokako | 1967 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Mystacina robusta | Greater Short-tailed Bat | 1967 | Turvey (2009) |
Gila bicolor isolata | Independence Valley Tui Chub | 3 April 1966 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Podarcis sicula sanctistephani | Santo Stefano Lizard | 1965 | Day (1981) |
Coregonus kiyi orientalis | Lake Ontario Kiyi | 19 September 1964 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Notropis simus simus | Rio Grande Bluntnose Shiner | 28 July 1964 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Coenocorypha iredalei | South Island Snipe | 1964 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Paroreomyza flammea | Kakawahie | 1963 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Cryptonanus ignitus | Red-bellied Gracile Mouse Opossum | 1962 | Turvey (2009) |
Vermivora bachmanni | Bachmann's Warbler | 1962 (1988?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Leucopeza semperi | Semper's Warbler | 1961 (1995?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Notropis aulidion | Durango Shiner | 1961 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Lagorchestes asomatus | Central Hare-wallaby | 1960s | Turvey (2009) |
Perameles eremiana | Desert Bandicoot | 1960s | Turvey (2009) |
Empetrichthys latos concavus | Raycraft Ranch Poolfish | 1960 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Juscelinomys candango | Brasilia Burrowing Mouse | 1960 | Turvey (2009) |
Empetrichthys latos pahrump | Pahrump Ranch Poolfish | 1958 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Gila crassicauda | Thicktail Chub | 16 April 1957 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Onychogalea lunata | Crescent Nailtail Wallaby | 1956 | Turvey (2009) |
Pseudomys glaucus | Blue-grey Mouse | 1956 | Turvey (2009) |
Empetrichthys merriami | Ash Meadows Poolfish | 1955 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Cyprinella lutrensis blairi | Maravillas Red Shiner | 1954 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Coregonus johannae | Deepwater Cisco | 4 August 1952 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Monachus tropicalis | Caribbean Monk Seal | 1952 | Turvey (2009) |
Anodorhynchus glaucus | Glaucous Macaw | 1951 (1960?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gazella bilkis | Queen of Sheba's Gazelle | 1951 | Mallon & Al-Safadi (2001) |
Zalophus japonicus | Japanese Sea Lion | 1951 | Turvey (2009b) |
Chaeropus ecaudatus | Pig-footed Bandicoot | 1950s | Turvey (2009) |
Discoglossus nigriventer | Hula Painted Frog | 1955 | Papenfuss et al. (2004) |
Geocapromys thoracatus | Little Swan Island Hutia | 1950s | Turvey (2009) |
Macrotis leucura | Lesser Bilby | 1950s | Turvey (2009) |
Neotoma martinensis | San Martin Island Woodrat | 1950s | Turvey (2009) |
Rhodonessa caryophyllacea | Pink-headed Duck | 1949 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Merulaxis stresemanni | Stresemann's Bristlethroat | 1945 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Paracoelops megalotis | Vietnam Leaf-nosed Bat | 1945 | Dorst (1947), Nowak (1999) |
Porzana palmeri | Laysan Crake | 1944 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Lithobates fisheri | Vegas Valley Leopard Frog | 13 January 1942 | Platz (1984) |
Gallirallus wakensis | Wake Rail | 1942 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Panthera leo leo | Barbary Lion | 1942 (survives?)8 | Yamaguchi and Haddane (2002) |
Struthio camelus syriacus | Arabian Ostrich | 1941 (1966?) | Fuller (2000), Shirihai (1996) |
Rhinichthys deaconi | Las Vegas Dace | 30 July 1940 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Orestias cuvieri | Lake Titicaca Orestias | 1940s | Day (1981), Van den Hoek Ostende (1999) |
Coregonus oxyrinchus | Houting | 1940 | Freyhof & Schöter (2005) |
Epioblasma arcaeformis | Arc-form Pearly Mussel | 1940 | Bogan (2000) |
Gallotia simonyi simonyi | Roque Chico de Salmor Giant Lizard | 1940 | Carranza et al. (1999) |
Pomarea nukuhivae | Nukuhiva Monarch | 1940 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Vanellus macropterus | Javanese Lapwing | 1940 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nesoryzomys darwini | Darwin's Galápagos Rice Rat | pre-1940 | Turvey (2009) |
Macropus greyi | Toolache Wallaby | 1939 (1972?) | Turvey (2009) |
Rhinichthys osculus reliquus | Grass Valley Speckled Dace | 9 August 1938 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Lepidomeda altivelis | Pahranagat Spinedace | 1938 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Rucervus schomburgki | Schomburgk's Deer | 1938 | Turvey (2009) |
Turdus ravidus | Grand Cayman Thrush | 1938 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Panthera tigris balica | Bali Tiger | 27 September 1937 | Day (1981) |
Thylacinus cynocephalus | Tasmanian Tiger | 7 September 1936 | Turvey (2009) |
Columba jouyi | Ryukyu Wood-pigeon | 1936 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Podarcis lilfordi rodriquezi | Ratas Island Lizard | 1934-1936 | Zawadski (2010) |
Caloprymnus campestris | Desert Rat-kangaroo | 1935 (1980s?) | Turvey (2009) |
Cerithidae fuscata | Horn Snail | 1935 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Moho nobilis | Hawaii O'o | 1934 (1957?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nesoryzomys indefessus | Indefatigable Galápagos Rice Rat | 1934 | Turvey (2009) |
Leporillus apicalis | Lesser Stick-nest Rat | 1933 (1970?) | Turvey (2009) |
Neotoma bunkeri | Bunker's Woodrat | 1931 | Turvey (2009) |
Peromyscus pembertoni | Pemberton's Deer Mouse | 1931 | Turvey (2009) |
Oncorhynchus clarki alvordensis | Alvord Cutthroat Trout | 1930s | Miller et al. (1989) |
Salvelinus agassizi | Silver Trout | 1930 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Lottia alveus | Atlantic Eelgrass Limpet | 1929 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Cottus echinatus | Utah Lake Sculpin | April 1928 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Equus hemionus hemippus | Syrian Wild Ass | 1928 | Harper (1945), Day (1981) |
Psephotus pulcherrimus | Paradise Parrot | 1927 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Chasmistes muriei | Snake River Sucker | 13 October 1927 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Bison bonasus caucasicus | Caucasian Wisent | 1927 | Puzek (ed.) (2002), Puzek (ed.) (2004) |
Gallicolumba salamonis | Thick-billed Ground-dove | 1927 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Megapodius amissus | Lost Megapode | 1926? | Tyrberg (2009) |
Neotoma anthonyi | Anthony's Woodrat | 1926 | Turvey (2009) |
Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus | Bubal Hartebeest | 8714 | Day (1981), Edwards (1996) |
Aplonis fusca | Norfolk Island Starling | 1923 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Himatione freethii | Laysan Honeyeater | 1923 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Prototroctes oxyrhinchus | New Zealand Grayling | 1923 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Epioblasma flexuosa | Arcuate Pearly Mussel | 1920s - 1930s | Haag (2009) |
Conuropsis carolinensis | Carolina Parakeet | 21 February 1918 | Tyrberg (2009), Fuller (2000) |
Gerygone insularis | Lord Howe Island Flycatcher | 1918 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Phelsuma edwardnewtoni | Rodrigues Day Gecko | 1917 | Vinson & Vinson (1969), Austin et al. (2004) |
Ectopistes migratorius | Passenger Pigeon | 1 September 1914 | Tyrberg (2009), Fuller (2000) |
Sceloglaux albifacies | Laughing Owl | 1914 (1930?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Dysmodrepanis munroi | Lanai Hookbill | 1913 (1918?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Haematopus meadewaldoi | Canary Islands Oystercatcher | 1913 (1940?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Zosterops strenuus | Robust White-eye | 1913 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Oceanodroma macrodactyla | Guadalupe Storm-petrel | 1911 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Oncorhynchus clarki macdonaldi | Yellowfin Cutthroat | 1910 (1930s?) | Miller et al. (1989) |
Quiscalus palustris | Slender-billed Grackle | 1910 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Lagostomus crassus | Peruvian Plains Viscacha | pre-1910 | Turvey (2009) |
Heliangelus zusii | Bogota Sunangel | 1909 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Heteralocha acutirostris | Huia | 28 December 1907 | Tyrberg (2009), Day (1981) |
Drepanis funerea | Black Mamo | June 1907 | Tyrberg (2009), Bryan (1908) |
Psittacula wardi | Seychelles Parakeet | 1907 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nyctimene sanctacrucis | Nendö Tube-nosed Fruit Bat | 1907? | Turvey (2009) |
Anthornis melanocephala | Chatham Island Bellbird | 1906 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Microgoura meeki | Choiseul Pigeon | 1905 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Turnagra capensis | South Island Piopio | 1905 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Moho bishopi | Bishop's O'o | 1904 (1981?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Cyprinodon latifasciatus | Parras Pupfish | 1903 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Rattus macleari | Maclear's Rat | 1903 | Turvey (2009) |
Rattus nativitatis | Bulldog Rat | 1903 | Turvey (2009) |
Stypodon signifer | Stumptooth Minnow | 1903 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Mergus australis | Auckland Island Merganser | 1902 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porphyrio paepae | Marquesan Swamphen | 1902? | Tyrberg (2009) |
Turnagra tanagra | North Island Piopio | 1902 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Loxops sagittirostris | Greater amakihi | 1901 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Notomys longicaudatus | Long-tailed Hopping Mouse | 1901 | Turvey (2009) |
Caracara lutosa | Guadeloupe Caracara | 1900 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Extinctions in the 19th century (1800 - 1899) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Eriocnemis godini | Turquoise-throated Puffleg | pre-1900 (1976) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Drepanis pacifica | Hawaii Mamo | 1899 (1960?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Megalomys desmarestii | Martinique Giant Rice Rat | 1897 | Turvey (2009) |
Oryzomys nelsoni | Nelson's Rice Rat | 1897 | Turvey (2009) |
Rhodacanthis palmeri | Greater Koa-finch | 1896 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Notomys amplus | Short-tailed Hopping Mouse | pre-1896 | Turvey (2009) |
Moxostoma lacerum | Harelip Sucker | 1893 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Traversia lyalli | Stephens Island Wren | 1985 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Akialoa obscura | Lesser Akialoa | 1895 (1940?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porphyrio mantelli | North Island Takahe | 1894 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Psittirosta kona | Kona Grosbeak | 1894 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Eudorcas rufina | Red Gazelle | pre-1894 | Turvey (2009) |
Cabalus modestus | Chatham Rail | 1893 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gallirallus sharpei | Sharpe's Rail | pre-1893 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Bowdleria rufescens | Chatham Island Fernbird | 1892 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Akialoa lanaiensis | Maui Nui Akialoa | 1892 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Capra pyrenaica lusitanica | Portuguese Ibex | 1892 | Day (1981) |
Ciridops anna | Ula-ai-hawane | 1892 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Oligoryzomys victus | St. Vincent Pygmy Rice Rat | 1892 | Turvey (2009) |
Rhodacanthis flaviceps | Lesser Koa-finch | 1891 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gallirallus lafresnayanus | New Caledonian Rail | 1890 (1984?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gallirallus poecilopterus | Bar-winged Rail | 1890 (1970?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Lagorchestes leporides | Eastern Hare-wallaby | 1890 | Turvey (2009) |
Leimacomys buettneri | Togo Mouse | 1890 | Turvey (2009) |
Pharotis imogene | New Guinea Big-eared Bat | 1890 | Turvey (2009) |
Fundulus albolineatus | Whiteline Topminnow | 27 May 1889 | Miller et al. (1989) |
Columba versicolor | Bonin Wood-pigeon | 1889 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Equus ferus ferus | Tarpan | 1887 | Kavar & Dovč (2008) |
Halcyon miyakoensis | Miyako Kingfisher | 1887 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nyctophilus howensis | Lord Howe Long-eared Bat | 1887 | Turvey (2009) |
Porzana sandwichensis | Hawai'ian Crake | 1884 (1893?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Equus quagga quagga | Quagga | 12 August 1883 | Hack et al. (2008), ZMA (2010) |
Megalomys luciae | St. Lucia Giant Rice Rat | pre-1881 | Turvey (2009) |
Characodon garmani | Parras Characodon | 1880s | Miller et al. (1989) |
Gallirallus macquariensis | Macquarie Island Rail | 1880 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pterodroma caribbaea | Jamaica Petrel | 1879 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Chlorostilbon bracei | Brace's Emerald | 1877 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Oryzomys antillarum | Jamaican Rice Rat | 1877 | Turvey (2009) |
Dusicyon australis | Falkland Island Wolf | 1876 | Turvey (2009) |
Camptorhynchus labradorius | Labrador Duck | 1875 (12 December 1878?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Coturnix novaezelandiae | New Zealand Quail | 1875 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Potorous platyops | Broad-faced Potoroo | 1875 | Turvey (2009) |
Psittacula exsul | Newton's Parakeet | 1875 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pteropus brunneus | Dusky Flying Fox | 1874 | Turvey (2009) |
Pteropus pilosus | Large Palau Flying Fox | pre-1874 | Turvey (2009) |
Gallinula nesiotis | Tristan Moorhen | 1873 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pareudiastes pacifica | Samoan Gallinule | 1873 (1987?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Argusianus bipunctatus | Double-banded Argus | 1871 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Coenocorypha barrierensis | North Island Snipe | 1870 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Ixobrychus novaezelandiae | New Zealand Little Bittern | 1870 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pteropus subniger | Lesser Mascarene Flying Fox | 1870? | Turvey (2009) |
Ophrysia superciliosa | Himalayan Quail | 1868 (1877?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Otus siaoensis | Siau Scops Owl | 1866 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Panthera leo melanochaitus | Cape Lion | 1865 | Tefera (2003) |
Lycaena dispar dispar | British Large Copper | 1864 | Irwin (1984) |
Ara tricolor | Cuban Red Macaw | 1864 (1876?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Collisella edmitchelli | Rocky Shore Limpet | 1861 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Myotis insularum | Samoan Myotis | 1860s | Turvey (2009) |
Chlorostilbon elegans | Gould's Emerald | 1860 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Neovison macrodon | Sea Mink | 1860 (1894?) | Turvey (2009) |
Porphyrio kukwiedei | New Caledonia Gallinule | 1860? | Tyrberg (2009) |
Chaetoptila angustipluma | Kioea | 1859 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Charmosyna diadema | New Caledonian Lorikeet | 1859 (1976?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Siphonorhis americana | Jamaican Pauraque | 1859 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pseudomys gouldii | Gould's Mouse | 1857 | Turvey (2009) |
Pteropus allenorum | Small Samoan Flying Fox | 1856 | Turvey (2009) |
Nestor productus | Norfolk Island Kaka | 1851 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Phalacrocorax perspicillatus | Pallas's Cormorant | 1850 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Ara erythrocephala | Red-headed Green Macaw | 1847 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Conilurus albipes | White-footed Rabbit-rat | 1845 | Turvey (2009) |
Dromaius novaehollandiae diemenensis | Tasmanian Emu | 1845 (1873?) | Dickison (1926), Le Souëf (1904) |
Pinguinus impennis | Great Auk | 3 June 1844 (1852?) | Tyrberg (2009), BirdLife International (2008) |
Cyanoramphus zealandicus | Black-fronted Parakeet | 1844 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Notomys macrotis | Big-eared Hopping Mouse | 1843 | Turvey (2009) |
Aramides gutturalis | Red-throated Wood-rail | pre-1843 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Uperoleia marmorata | Marbled Toadlet | 1841 | Hero, Roberts, & Horner (2004) |
Cylindraspis indica | Réunion Tortoise | 1840s | Cheke and Hume (2008) |
Notomys mordax | Darling Downs Hopping Mouse | 1840s | Turvey (2009) |
Gallirallus dieffenbachi | Dieffenbach's Rail | 1840 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Littoraria flammea | Periwinkle | 1840 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Pteropus coxi | Large Samoan Flying Fox | 1840 | Turvey (2009) |
Anampses viridis | Mauritius Green Wrasse | 1839 | Dulvy et al. (2009) |
Hemiphaga spadicea | Norfolk Island Pigeon | 1839 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Fregilupus varius | Réunion Starling | 1838 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Akialoa ellisiana | Oahu Akialoa | 1837 (1940?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Moho apicalis | Oahu O'o | 1837 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Coua delalandei | Snail-eating Coua | 1834 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Aplonis corvina | Kosrae Starling | 1828 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Chaunoproctus ferreorostris | Bonin Grosbeak | 1828 (1890?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porzana monasa | Kosrae Crake | 1828 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Dromaius baudinianus | Kangaroo Island Emu | 1827 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Alectroenas nitidissima | Mauritius Blue Pigeon | 1826 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Aplonis mavornata | Mysterious Starling | 1825 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gazella arabica | Arabian Gazelle | 1825 | Mallon et al. (2001) |
Myadestes woahensis | Amaui | 1825 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pomarea pomarea | Maupiti Monarch | 1823 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Desmodus draculae | Giant Vampire Bat | pre-1820? | Turvey (2009) |
Dromaius ater | King Island Emu | 1802 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Boryptera alba | Bory's White Bat | 1801 | Turvey (2009), Cheke and Hume (2008) |
Mascarenotus sauzieri | Mauritius Owl | 1800-1850 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Ara erythrura | Red-tailed Blue-and-Yellow Macaw | 1800s | Day (1981), Williams & Steadman (2001) |
Isolobodon portoricensis | Puerto Rican Hutia | 1800s (1970s?) | Turvey (2009) |
Hippotragus leucophaeus | Bluebuck | 1800 | Turvey (2009) |
Extinctions in the 18th century (1700 - 1799) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Cylindraspis peltastes | Rodrigues Domed Tortoise | 1795 (1802?) | Austin & Arnold (2001), Cheke and Hume (2008) |
Cylindraspis vosmaeri | Rodrigues Saddle-backed Tortoise | 1795 (1802?) | Austin & Arnold (2001), Cheke and Hume (2008) |
Ara atwoodi | Dominican Green-and-Yellow Macaw | 1791 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Bison bonasus hungarorum | Carpathian Wisent | 1790 | Puzek et al. (2002) |
Columba vitiensis godmanae | Lord Howe Pigeon | 1790 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porphyrio albus | Lord Howe Swamphen | 1790 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Mascarinus mascarinus | Mascarene Parrot | 1785 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porzana nigra | Tahiti Crake | 1784 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Prosobonia cancellata | Tuamotu Sandpiper | 1778 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gallirallus pacificus | Tahiti Rail | 1777 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Prosobonia ellisi | Ellis's Sandpiper | 1777 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Gallicolumba ferruginea | Tanna Ground Dove | 17 August 1774 | Fuller (2000), Tyrberg (2009) |
Cyanoramphus ulietanus | Ra'iatea Parakeet | 1774 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Prolagus sardus | Sardinian Pika | 1774 | Turvey (2009) |
'Turdus' ulietensis | Ra'iatea Thrush | 1774 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Prsobonia leucoptera | White-winged Sandpiper | 1773 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Xenothrix mcgregori | Jamaican Monkey | 1769? | Turvey (2009) |
Hydrodamalis gigas | Steller's Sea Cow | 1768 | Turvey (2009) |
Ara gossei | Jamaican Red Macaw | 1765 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Psittacula bensoni | Mauritius Grey Parrot | 1764 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Necropsittacus rodericanus | Rodrigues Parrot | 1761 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Pezophaps solitaria | Rodrigues Solitaire | 1754 (1761?) | Tyrberg (2009) |
Aratinga labati | Guadeloupe Parakeet | 1750 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Amazona martinicana | Martinique Parrot | 1742 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Amazona violacea | Guadeloupe Parrot | 1742 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Ara guadeloupensis | Lesser Antillean Macaw | 1742 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Porphyrio coerulescens | Réunion Gallinule | 1734 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Aphanapteryx leguati | Rodrigues Rail | 1726 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Mascarenotus murivorus | Rodrigues Owl | 1726 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Necropsar rodericanus | Rodrigues Starling | 1726 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nycticorax megacephalus | Rodrigues Night-heron | 1726 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Alectroenas rodericana | Rodrigies pigeon | 1708 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nesoenas duboisi | Réunion Pigeon | 1705 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Threskiornis solitarius | Réunion Flightless Ibis | 1705 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Extinctions in the 17th century (1600 - 1699) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Anas theodori | Mauritian Duck | 1696 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Alopochen mauritianus | Mauritian Shelduck | 1693 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Aphanapteryx bonasia | Red Rail | 1693 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nycticorax mauritianus | Mauritius Night-heron | 1693 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Lophopsittacus mauritianus | Broad-billed Parrot | 1673 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Alopochen kervazoi | Réunion Shelduck | 1672 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Dryolimnas augusti | Réunion Rail | 1671-1672 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Falco duboisi | Réunion Kestrel | 1671-1672 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Foudia belloni | Réunion Fody | 1671-1672 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nycticorax duboisi | Réunion Night-heron | 1671-1672 | Tyrberg (2009) |
'Necropsittacus' borbonicus | Réunion Red And Green Parakeet | 1671 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Raphus cucullatus | Dodo | 1662 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Cryptoprocta spelea | Giant Fossa | pre-1658? | Turvey (2009) |
Palaeopropithecus ingens | Sloth Lemur | pre-1658? | Turvey (2009) |
Mundia elpenor | Ascension Flightless Crake | 1656 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Ara martinica | Martinique Macaw | 1640 | Bouton (1640), Fuller (2000) |
Bos primigenius | Aurochs | 1627 | Van Vuure (2003) |
Nesotrochis picapicensis | Cuban Cave-rail | 1625 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Nyctanassa carcinocatactes | Crab-eating Night-heron | 1623 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Extinctions in the 16th century (1500 - 1599) | |||
Scientific name | Common name | Last occurrence1,2,3 | Reference |
Plagiodontia ipnaeum | Samana Hutia | ?1536-1546 | Turvey (2009) |
Quemisia gravis | Twisted-toothed Mouse | ?1536-1546 | Turvey (2009) |
Noronhomys vespuccii | Vespucci's Rice Rat | 1503 | Turvey (2009) |
Nycticorax olsoni | Ascension Night-heron | 1502 | Tyrberg (2009) |
Bettongia pusilla | Nullarbor Dwarf Bettong | After 1500 9 | Burbidge (2008), Johnson (2006), Turnbridge (1991) |
Boromys offella | Oriente Cave Rat | After 1500 10 | Allen (1942), Turvey & Helgen (2008a), Turvey (2009) |
Boromys torrei | Torre's Cave Rat | After 1500 10 | Allen (1942), Turvey & Helgen (2008b), Turvey (2009) |
vol 5
Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 7, 2011
extinct animal list
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